St. Baldrick’s 2017

by Rob Montilla on March 23, 2017

For the seventh year in a row, I am participating in the St. Baldrick’s Foundation event based in Romeo, MI to raise funds to fight children’s cancer.  I will be having my head shaved to stand with the children fighting this disease.  And because this is my 7th year helping St. Baldrick’s, I’ve been dubbed […]


Macomb Township is being sued by former Township Supervisor Mark Grabow for a violation of the Open Meetings Act and Violation of Public Policy. The violation is in relation to the hiring of Thomas Esordi for an in-house legal position. Attached is documentation relative to the case: The court filing: 3-3-17 Summons and Complaint The […]


St. Baldrick’s 2016

by Rob Montilla on February 28, 2016

For the sixth year in a row, I am participating in the St. Baldrick’s Foundation event in Romeo, MI to raise funds to fight children’s cancer. I will be having my head shaved to stand with the children fighting this disease. This year I am setting a goal of $1000. Please consider supporting the children […]


St. Baldrick’s 2014

by Rob Montilla on March 2, 2014

Once again I am participating in the St. Baldrick’s Foundation event in Romeo, MI to raise funds to fight children’s cancer. I will be having my head shaved to stand with the children fighting this disease. This year I am setting a goal of $1500. Please consider supporting the children St. Baldrick’s will help by […]


In Michigan, it has been historically challenging for Republicans to win statewide elections in Presidential years. However, in Gubernatorial years, the GOP has enjoyed greater success. With the Gubernatorial cycle in 2014, this means the open United States Senate seat being vacated by Senator Carl Levin is a potential pickup and a great opportunity for […]


Response to Attack on Macomb GOP

January 31, 2013

Dear Precinct Delegate, The convention season does not necessarily bring out the best in us and this season appears to be no exception. Last week you may have received a letter in the mail from Ann Brown, former Treasurer of the Macomb County Republican Party.  I say “may” as I know this was only sent […]

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What Kind of Republican Party Do You Want in Macomb County?

January 29, 2013

Dear Precinct Delegate, Another convention season is approaching with the county convention to be held on February 7. These conventions are for selecting the leadership of the State Party and Congressional Districts. Many candidates have declared for various offices, their campaigns are in motion and they may be asking for your support. Please consider the candidates carefully because […]

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Who Helped Mitt in Macomb County?

January 29, 2013

In a critical Presidential year, there were a variety of ways someone could help the cause to get Mitt Romney elected.   This was generally in the form of participating in phone banking, going door-to-door or both. The Michigan Republican Party organized numerous Super Saturdays to energize activists on Saturday afternoons in the Fall of 2012 […]

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The Selective Messaging Campaign in Macomb County

January 27, 2013

The next Republican convention in Macomb County is coming up on February 7 and as usual, campaign nonsense is afoot. The upcoming convention is to select Delegates and Alternates to the State Convention on February 22 and 23 in Lansing, MI.  At the state convention, the balance of party leadership at the State and District […]

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Macomb Delegate Apportionment Not Compliant With State Law

January 26, 2013

The apportionment of Republican precinct delegates in Macomb County for 2012 is not compliant with state law. The process for determining apportionment is governed by Michigan Election Law Act 116 of 1954 Section 168.623a. Section 3 of this provision states: The allotment of delegates to all precincts in the state shall be made to insure, […]

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