Follow the Money… Millage Postcard Funds Driven By Unions and Administrators

by Rob Montilla on November 7, 2011

On July 28, 2011, a Political Action Committee (PAC) was formed called Macomb Citizens for Education.  The group’s defined purpose is support for the Special Education Millage that is on the ballot countywide on Tuesday, November 8.

This group filed for organization very shortly after the 21 school districts unanimously approved putting the millage to the voters and quickly amassed a war chest of over $42,000.

Click Here to See the Statement of Organization for Macomb Citizens for Education

The group has been sending postcards countywide in support of the millage with an address titled “To The Voting Household of [Student’s Name].”

As a PAC, the group had to file a campaign finance report in October which listed the names of donors and amounts contributed.  The list is telling in identifying who is the driving force behind the millage.

Click Here to See the October 2011 Campaign Finance Report for Macomb Citizens for Education

Here is a list of the highest donors and other notables that provided funds:

Donor Amount Occupation Employer
Michael DeVault $5000 Superintendent Macomb Intermediate School District
Macomb Intermediate Federation of Teachers $5000
6-C Coordinating Council $2000
MEA-NEA Local 1 $1317
Warren Education Association $1100
George Sassin $1000 Superintendent Clintondale Community Schools
Robert LeFevre $1000 Director of Education, Policy, HR, Legal Affairs Macomb Intermediate School District
Chippewa Valley Administrators $500
Judith Pritchett $500 Assistant Superintendent Macomb Intermediate School District
L Public Schools Administrator Association $500
Macomb Intermediate Federation of Paraprofessionals $500
Max McCullough $464 Self-Employed
Spectrum Communication Services $400
Romeo Education Association $300
Brad Robinson $200 Athletic Director Fraser Schools
Kayo Clifford $200 Insurance Counselor Garwood, Buda, Knight & Associates Inc.
Grosse Pointe Education Association $151
Center Line Education Association $150
Karl Paulson $150 Superintendent LakeviewPublicSchools
Kenneth Austin $140 Teacher Clintondale Community Schools
Daniel Zimolzek $125 Asst. Supt. Van Dyke Public Schools
Mt. Clemens Educational Assn. $107
Ronald Roberts $100 Superintendent ChippewaValleySchools


208 donors contributed $100 which is the maxmimum donation allowed by campaign finance law before the donor has to disclose their occupation and employer.

The report also lists one primary expense in the amount of $7500 to Graphics East in Roseville, MI for printing and postage.

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